Baby and Udult Parakeet Baby and Adult Parakeet

63103058 m Getting a Baby Parakeet: Costs, Things to Know, and Tips for Choosing

Parakeets are neat pets for first-time bird owners. They are relatively easy to care for, beautiful, and smart! Only during their different stages of life, they will have different needs. Let's talk about getting a babe parakeet.

What do yous demand to know about buying a babe parakeet? Infant parakeets are simple birds who do non demand also much. They cost anywhere from $twenty to $60 dollars. Owners should teach them tricks and play with them to bond and build a relationship. Practice Not employ harsh chemicals around them. In regards to food, they tin eat a diverseness of seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

What is the Cost of a Baby Parakeet?

Store Price
PetSmart $23.99
BirdsNow ~$25 $90
A Bird Breeder ~$twenty – $60

Baby Parakeets (or Budgies) generally cost anywhere between $20 to $60. This is the price range yous should expect to run into wherever yous look. Infant parakeets that toll more than $60 are probably overpriced. Y'all should also be wary of birds that are too cheap though because this could signify that the bird is unhealthy.

All things considered though, the price you pay for these piffling guys is not that bad. These birds unremarkably alive for most 12 to 15 years if you keep them healthy.

How to Take Intendance of Baby Parakeets

Parakeets or "Budgies" (short for Budgerigars) are really great birds to have as pets. The specific, petite variety that people buy are originally from Commonwealth of australia.

To be quite honest, parakeets are simple animals. They do non require much, only that yous do not damage them. Feed them and make sure that they do non become ill. Check for discharge around their eyes and nose. This can tell y'all a lot about their health.

Baby parakeets are not completely used to their environs at first. They may be a bit disoriented or clumsy but things volition sort themselves out.

When it comes to food, give them seeds or pellets with a mix of vegetables and fruits. They may adopt one over the other. 1 affair I would suggest is asking the store or the breeder what the bird'due south nutrition was while they had it. Feed information technology any they fed it to continue their nutrition consequent at starting time. If you want to make changes, do it gradually so that you don't go your fiddling bird sick.

If you're looking for advice from a community of parakeet owners, this thread on Reddit has some great info on how to take intendance of a infant parakeet.

What Should I Not Do?

1. Roughhouse

Information technology is totally within your bounds to play some games with your bird or teach it tricks only be very conscientious that you practise not go also far. These are tiny birds and it is very easy to accidentally abuse them. I do non recollect that many adults will have this problem, but many children won't know the limits on how much they tin can play with parakeets.

Adult supervision should always be nowadays when children are nigh the bird. Even if the kids hateful well, they can end up hurting pets past accident. Go on an centre on them to brand sure that things don't go likewise far.

two. Smoke

Do non fume in your house with the bird. If you desire to get away from the smoke, y'all ever have the option of leaving for awhile. Unfortunately, your bird is stuck with all of the bad chemicals in your house with no mode to leave.

Second-manus smoke has bad health effects on people already, and these problems tin can get much worse for the birds who are much smaller than us. A regular dose of smoke-filled rooms and environments tin lead your parakeet to have pneumonia, conjunctivitis, bacterial infections, and fifty-fifty cancer.

Become outside and smoke if you accept to. Make sure you likewise dispose of cigarette butts properly, because your bird might be tempted to consume or play with them. If they ingest any role of a cigarette, they tin hands become nicotine poisoning.

3. Take a Large Party

This goes back to the whole supervision thing. People get drunk and they might practise something stupid to your bird or feed it something that information technology should never be fed.

During a party, information technology is impossible to keep track of your bird the whole time and still enjoy the party. The birdcage might even be knocked over. There are enough of things that could happen.

Personally I put my bird in a unlike room and lock the door when I have parties. That fashion the bird is not making a bunch of noise and people do not bother it.

4. Employ Powerful Cleaning Chemicals

Sometimes yous just get in the mood to clean. Nobody knows where these urges come from. It just happens. But if you have a bird, you would be wise to put them in a different area while cleaning.

When you clean, it will leave the powerful chemicals lingering in the air. Insecticides, bleach, oven cleaners, etc. Your bird can get EXTREMELY ill from these chemicals.

Here are a couple of things you can do to brand it easier for your bird:

  • Open up your windows to ventilate.
  • Wipe downwards any residue from the chemicals on the walls, floor, etc.
  • There are bird-friendly cleaning supplies at bird shops that you can purchase.
  • You lot tin fifty-fifty use homemade cleaning supplies, such as vinegar, which are far less harmful to your bird.

Another risk you need to exist aware of when cleaning is the self-clean office that many ovens use. These are very user-friendly for us, but they can be extremely harmful to your pet birds.

The self-cleaning ovens have Teflon in them and when that heats upwards, it releases chemicals that can kill your bird. If you use the self-clean button, keep as many windows open as possible so the air can be ventilated.

5. Spray Pilus Products

72095219 m Getting a Baby Parakeet: Costs, Things to Know, and Tips for Choosing

I know that having your bird around in the house is fun. It tags forth whenever you lot goPlease and that 'due south fun for many owners. Nonetheless, you needs to have some off limits areas for your little friend. You practise non want to bring the bird into the bath with you lot, especially if you use a lot of chemic sprays for your hair. Pilus spray and other bathroom chemicals are dangerous to birds.

This is in a similar vein with the cleaning one. Move your bird to a dissimilar expanse of the business firm when you get ready in the morning.

six. Swear

Your parakeet will choice up things that you say often and can learn to repeat them. However, these birds don't really understand linguistic communication, to they won't know when it'south okay to say sure words or phrases. They lack that tactful ability.

Y'all could argue that parakeets will non e'er option up on the swear words but generally, these birds will learn words that have been given extra emotion and emphasis. In a lot of cases, these words might exist ones y'all don't want it to repeat in mixed company!

Who Should I Buy a Baby Parakeet From?

You can buy a bird from a pet store. Most big pet stores always have a selection of birds, and they're almost guarenteed to have parakeets. Yet, they might not always offer babies. If you actually want a babe parakeet, you lot can buy one from a local breeder.

How do you know if the breeder is good?

  • They intendance about their birds. They will not let you take the bird until it has been properly weaned off of its parents.
  • The previous home of the bird is clean and in skillful condition. Yous can tell how well the bird has been treated past looking at the state of its living conditions.
  • The seller answers your questions honestly and volition not shy away from any difficult questions that come.
  • They can provide a written guarantee of the health of the bird. Y'all tin can either inquire for information technology or they requite it to you. This newspaper should allow yous to return the bird if you observe preexisting health bug in the bird.

Go an Avian Veterinarian

Birds are different from most animals, so they will need a vet that has specialized in caring for them. Veterinarians are really helpful and good but virtually do not know much well-nigh birds. Make sure that your chosen vet has the experience that they need to assistance you.

This level of specification might end up costing you a bit more. It depends on the vet and the level of medical care that your parakeet requires. I would recommend it though if your bird is actually struggling and you do not know what to practice.

All-time Ideas for Their Cage

Of course, you will demand a cage for the lilliputian bird. I would propose that the minimum size should exist no smaller than 14″ long by eleven″ broad by 12″ high. This might be weird to you because the bird is tiny. Still, your bird will exist much happier with something that has space that is much bigger than itself.

This is especially truthful for immature birds. They will want space to explore, movement around, and play in.

Some other thing is you want to bank check is that the spacing between the cage bis are smaller than half an inch. That way your little bird does not get its head stuck. The cage should be a comfortable space for them to alive in, and not one that is dangerous or frightening.

Look for cages that are fabricated of heavy wire. They are much less probable to bend or suspension. A cage with a non-toxic coating is preferable. This makes rust less likely to happen.

For the cage, I would propose the Prevue line of cages. These are really high quality. They fit all the qualities I listed higher up and are perfect for parakeets to alive in. Many customers accept besides enjoyed the cages they accept gotten from Prevue.

I would suggest this Prevue Flight Cage for starters. It is uncomplicated, but also bigger than the minimum size. It has a nice large door to sideslip your baby parakeet in and out to prove friends and family. Information technology comes with ii cups and woods perches. This is a good starter cage that you tin can eventually upgrade to something more than.

I would suggest ownership more cups for your bird than the ii that come with information technology. The two that come up with the muzzle are for food and water. You will usually want another for fresh fruit and the occasional care for.

Cages come with dowels for the bird to perch on. Perching is actually very of import for birds considering it provides some exercise and helps with their pes health. You will want to buy other perches with natural bends and angles.

Variety is the name of the game when it comes to perches. Getting more irregular shapes that are more natural looking are healthy for birds as well. I would remove one of the bigger dowels on the muzzle because honestly, the dowels are not ideal for your bird.

Setting the perches at different levels gives variety to the life of your bird. The more diversity yous have, the more than your bird will be entertained and satisfied. That being said, do non overload the cage with tons and tons of perches. Your fiddling friend will all the same want to have open space to palpitate around in!

What Do They Eat?

13314331 m Getting a Baby Parakeet: Costs, Things to Know, and Tips for Choosing

At that place are many different options and diet mixes for your parakeet to consume. To offset off with, I would advise feeding information technology whatever they were already used to eating from their previous home.

This is another reason why I suggest getting your parakeet from a breeder. You can get more specific and personallized answers from them than yous could get from a store.

Some birds mainly eat seeds while others swallow pellets. Enquire whoever you got the bird from what they specifically feed the bird. They might even feed the baby parakeet fruits and vegetables.

When people recall of feeding pocket-size birds, they think of bird seeds. This is practiced for the beast'southward nutrition because it contains vitamins and minerals, only it's not the just thing they need. Simply like humans, birds need a variety of nutrients, and they need to get it from different types of food.

Many types of bird seed besides take a high-fatty content. This is good for part of their diet, but they need more than this. You'll desire to add fruits and vegetables to balance everything out.

Fruits and Veggies

Picking a nutrition for your budgie'due south is of import to a happy bird! Beauty of Birds suggests using babe nutrient with fruits and vegetables in addition to normal fruits and vegetables. With actual fruits and veggies, make certain they are not too big for the bird's throat. You lot don't desire to make eating too challenging or dangerous.

Some other selection is to purchase stale fruits. You lot could even dehydrate these foods yourself if you are so inclined. Brand sure that the nutrient is dried naturally. Trail mix is besides a groovy option for your parakeet. Information technology is packed full of nutrients and they'll discover it tasty too! Merely make sure you remove all chocolate and whatsoever chemically processed nuts.

If you feed your bird dried fruit, make certain that it doesn't include any sulfur dioxide. That will increase the aggressiveness of your bird along with making information technology more hyperactive.

A fun idea is warming upward the nutrient you requite them. Don;t get it hot, just warm enough to brand a deviation. This reminds them of being fed by their parents because that nutrient was warm.

I really similar to give my birds grapes and blackberries. I find that the minor fruits are easy to requite to them and it is just the right size for them to handle without me having to practise anything.


Bird in the wild get their protein from insects merely these are domestic birds and so we have to modify that a trivial. You do not need to feed them a lot of poly peptide. Only give them a minor crumb of fresh poly peptide every couple of weeks. They can snack on peanuts and other basics to get a picayune protein in.

The kinds of fresh poly peptide I am talking about is tuna, hard boiled eggs or chicken cooked thoroughly. If you are making something for yourself involving any of these, you could only give a small nibble to them.

A Note of Caution

In that location are a lot of things that you tin can feed your parakeet but in that location are some foods that are dangerous or fifty-fifty deadly for a parakeet to eat.

Practise non nether whatsoever circumstance feed your bird pits from fruits. The specific ones I am talking about are the cherry and peach pits. They have chemicals that are poisonous to parakeets. Apple seeds are besides dangerous for birds to consume, and avocados tin end upwards poisoning your bird.

To exist safe, e'er do some research on the nutrient that you give to your bird. Even if it's harmless to us, information technology tin can be dealy for them.

What Kind of Temperament Do Infant Parakeets Have?

Parakeets are i of the most cheerful animals to have intendance of. They really practice not become bothered by much. Because of their sweet disposition and even-tempered personality, many people enjoy them. I personally observe them easy to take care of. Feed them, play a few games with them, and make clean upward afterward them. They are not much of a hassle.

Since they're such tiny birds, they practice not demand much. They do not really need a whole lot of space to move around. They don't even fly that much to begin with. Every bit long as y'all take a cage that is the proper size for their needs, then they should exist fine.

They are social creatures so they work well with other parakeets. If you are patient, yous can grow a bang-up bond with your bird. They tin become pretty loyal and will probably enjoy spending fourth dimension perching on your finger or shoulder.

As with whatsoever pet, you volition want adult supervision when kids are around. Because of their tiny size, baby and adult parakeets tin easily become victim to children who are are not tactful with animals. Parakeets aren't very good at fighting back, simply they can requite a good peck or bite when they feel threatened.

Do Infant Parakeets Grade Relationships?

Parakeets will form relationships and those are amend started when immature. They are flock birds, which just means they will class an zipper with whoever or whatever they see the nigh. If you want the bird to be more interactive you, either do not buy other birds or go along them in dissever cages.

You want to exist your bird's "flock." So decide beforehand how interactive you want to be with your bird. Teaching tricks to your parakeet will besides strengthen your bond. The more time yous spend with your bird, the more than comfortable it will go with yous.

Tin can You Teach a Babe Parakeet Tricks?

74699453 m Getting a Baby Parakeet: Costs, Things to Know, and Tips for Choosing

Yes, a parakeet tin be taught tricks. The primary one that comes to mind is teaching information technology to talk. Once your bird becomes comfortable with you, you should be able to kickoff instruction it some uncomplicated tricks.

As well the tricks that I provide, there are tricks at Omlet which you could utilize.

1. Step Upwardly

One of the first things y'all would desire to teach your parakeet is how to step up into your hand. This ane is non and so much of a play tricks just more of a mode to develop a personal relationship with your bird.

You teach your bird to do this by putting your finger upwardly to the muzzle betoken out like a perch. As y'all talk to your bird and calmly wait, information technology will understand what to practise considering your finger is acting like a perch.

If your bird is non taking to your finger, then each day endeavor a couple of times putting your finger near the muzzle ready to accept the bird and do this until it does not flinch or scoot away every bit a reaction.

When it stops reacting defensively, put your finger in the cage and encounter what information technology does. They'll become more comfortable with this proximity and will start to respond.

You could even teach it to get on your finger past maxim "step up!" or any phrase that works for you. Try to continue the volume and tone of your voice consequent as yous say theses command words. Your bird volition start to class a connectedness between the phrase and the trick.

2. Stick Play a joke on

A lot of tricks simply involve an action to go a treat. It is a classic Pavlov state of affairs. The stick trick is no exception to this. Y'all tin you pretty annihilation that could exist a stick. A twig or dowel works just fine. Put the stick closely in front of the parakeet and let them examine it for a minute until they realize that it is not a threat.

In one case the bird has become best friends with this stick, teach information technology to nibble on it by giving it a command. Brand it specific to the flim-flam. Once it does information technology, give it a care for. This reinforces the behavior (I told you information technology was classic Pavlov) and they will presently accept this trick downwardly in no fourth dimension.

3. Soccer Trick

Parakeets are smart cookies. If you lot curl a ball in front of them, they will endeavor to finish it with their head. So why not make a petty game of soccer out of it? Yous could create your ain internet or find a miniature ane somewhere. Place information technology behind the bird and then flick a tiny, lightweight ball towards them and lookout man it finish the ball.

If they do block it, interact with them and say, "Good block!" or something to that effect. You lot could even switch information technology effectually and teach the parakeet to roll the ball into the goal which and then y'all could shout an emphatic, "GOAL!!"

4. Talking

Teaching your parakeet to talk sounds difficult. It actually is most patience. Are you ready for the best mode to teach them to talk? Well, merely talk to them. They heed and are smart plenty to pick upward what y'all are proverb. About birds exercise answer to a request or a question.

Talking to them is the near constant and effective fashion to teach them. Outset out uncomplicated with words like "hello" and "goodbye." Teach it other things like "thank you" when giving it food. Eventually, movement onto other things similar people and requests.

This is arguably the most astonishing "trick" a parakeet tin perform. Parakeets are one of the near intelligent birds out there. Take advantage of that and teach them a few tricks!

What Kinds of Colors are Parakeets?

Parakeets come in many different colors. At that place are many colors because of gene mutation. The main color is a yellow/greenish look. All others are color mutations. The most common color mutation is a blue/white which is basically just a budgie who lost its yellowish pigment. These are the two main kinds of colors.

People brood mutations together to get new colors and styles which makes buying them fun. There is a whole science behind colour/gene mutation that I highly suggest looking up. It is very interesting and it tin can aid you observe a color of bird y'all are looking for.

5 Fun Suggestions 4 Getting a Baby Parakeet: Costs, Things to Know, and Tips for Choosing

Related Questions

Do budgie bites hurt? A seize with teeth from a budgie does not injure very much at all. Their beaks are actually non strong enough to interruption skin. Information technology is kind of a shock when you are not expecting it. If they feel threatened they will bite.

Do parakeets die hands? Your parakeet virtually likely will not die unless y'all neglect information technology. Just feed your bird and provide enough of water so it won't starve or dehydrate. Too, do not use harsh chemicals effectually it like hairspray or most cleaning supplies.

Why do budgies scream? Parakeets will scream when they're bored, sick, or injured. Sometimes they are just excited. It is random and weird only you will probably get used to it. Sometimes when yous leave for a while, they will scream to go your attention.


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